Our Leadership Team
We believe in the power of collaboration and creativity within a team context.

Although we do not shy away from the importance of "point leadership" our organizational culture is based on:

Mutual Respect

Co-Creation and Collaboration

Listening to Each Other and Holy Spirit



Out of the Box Thinking

Willingness to Risk



Pastoral Team

This team consists of people who are in sync with New Testament guidelines for leadership and community care and the standard of character laid out for those who carry instruction and governing authority in the faith community.

Support Staff Team

This team consists of people who are working on behalf of the Pastoral Team. Their various role descriptions are tailored to their particular strengths, personality traits and areas that they are serving in.

Tina-Marie Axenty

Administration & Communications

Board of Directors Team

This team is responsible for all the HR, legal and financial oversight. They work in tandem with the Pastoral Team and Elders in stewarding the resources, vision and mission of the community.
Antonia DeBoer /Chairwoman of the BOD
Tom Tearoe
Rick von Hertzberg

The Elders Team

The primary function of this team is to be sounding board for the Pastoral Team and a place of accountability for them. The relationship with the Pastoral Team is symbiotic.
Mark & Sandi Gordon
Joe & Kristin Eapen
David & Anita Ruis
More About KVine Leadership

The Pastoral Team, the Elders Team and the BOD make up the voting and legal membership of the Kelowna Vineyard. Support staff do not carry this responsibiity. We value family. There will be several within our team dynamic that hold a role “as couples” but this is neither a requirement nor expectation that we place on any married leader. We also are egalitarian in our polity and ecclesiology. This then allows for women to be fully recognized in any position of leadership apart from their spouse.

Also, those who are single and celibate, whether men or women, may hold any position of leadership within the KVine structure. If a married couple does not have a sense of calling where both people in the marriage covenant are in leadership, the voice of the spouse is always valued and has a place in all conversation and decision processes even if they do not carry voting authority. Spouses are always welcome at any of our meetings.